The towpath changed sides once we passed through the stop lock before we moored at Hawkbury, so I was able to clean the other side of Tilly May. Poor girl is by no means perfect but she now looks like someone loves her. No locks today, one small tunnel and a steady chug to Newbold on Avon for a meal in the Barley Mow pub. The trip turned out to be a little more eventful than we anticipated. Half an hour into the cruise we came across a boat on a linear mooring that was well and truly stuck on the mud. They were due to go for blacking so needed to get off. After some serious tugging with our stern line on there stern we managed to get them off. The new mooring ropes were up to the job.
Nice to get a little shade from the sun |
We were treated to a fantastic aerobatic display put on by a Red Kite that seemed to follow us no more then 50 ft above our heads. Unfortunately the camera was inside so no photos.
We passed under the M6. Every time we go under a major motorway it reminds me of the days when I was travelling 50000 miles a year. I watch all the poor sods zoom by as we chug underneath. Thank god for boating!
Nice Photo of Maggie |
On the home stretch we came across a hire boat with a new inexperienced crew. Sometimes I wonder at the poor training these holidaymakers are given. As we approached a blind bent they appeared and panicked. Engine straight into neutral so all steering gone. Then full throttle and overcompensation and a big bang as they hit Tilly May. Much apologising. Hay Ho boating is a contact sport.
The Barley Mow pub did us a good steak and we sat and chatted to the folks in mother homes parked up at the pub. The Barley Mow is a pub that allows motorhomes to stay for free if they use the pub. It seems to work as there were at least 4 vans all spending money in the pub.
A few spots of rain but nothing to write home about.
The plan is to moor up just short of Braunston because we need to sort the paperwork out before taking our new morning. Best to do it Monday morning rather that arrive late Sunday afternoon.